My portfolio showcases a range of successful projects – from engaging articles and website copy to landing pages and Facebook Ads. I help businesses in diverse fields, including health and wellness, marketing, fashion, and coaching, leverage the power of storytelling.

Imagine the impact of weaving compelling narratives into your brand's communication. Let's discuss how I can craft stories that resonate with your target audience and propel your brand towards success!


Background: In my time as a contributor to MAXBURST, a leading digital marketing agency based in New York City, I had the opportunity to craft engaging content on a variety of topics. This particular article was one of many pieces I wrote that sparked audience engagement and drove results for MAXBURST.

4 Core Elements to Help Your Brand’s SEO Strategy Succeed

In today’s competitive online landscape, SEO is more essential than ever. Nearly 35% of U.S. Consumers in 2018 initiated their online purchases using Google or an alternative search tool — more than three times the amount that began at retailers’ apps or sites, and second only to searches starting at Amazon.

To excel in organic search results, brands must be armed with a toolbox of strong SEO tactics and strategies. Before you can take your SEO to the next level, you must identify where you are currently and what to do next. 

Here at MAXBURST, we understand the importance of being on top of search results so together, let’s examine four core elements you can use to build a more competitive SEO strategy for your brand.

1. Crawlability: Establish your SEO groundwork

To show up in search results, your site must be discovered by search engines. In other words, if you’re beginning from scratch or have never utilized SEO, your first mission is to ensure your site is visible to search engine crawlers. One frequent issue here is simple to remedy: your site’s robots.txt file.

Retailers and brands often disregard this tiny file, but attaching instructions to it lets crawlers know which pages you wish to have indexed and which you don’t. You’ll also want to display your site structure to crawlers for enhanced indexing. This will likely require you to update and expand your sitemap or design one from the ground up.

The optimal sitemap for SEO crawlability comprises all of your website’s product pages, subcategories, and categories. If you’re curious how long it will take to map or update your site’s seemingly infinite number of product pages, services like Spotibo can build a sitemap you can link to in your robots.txt file. After you revise robots.txt, submit it to Google, Bing, or other search engines so they can re-crawl your website as rapidly as possible.

If your website incorporates dated plug-in technology like Flash or Silverlight to display content, you may encounter a greater crawlability problem. Silverlight and Flash content isn’t visible to search engine crawlers so it won’t show up in the SERPs. To make that content viewable, it will be necessary to convert it to a format that can be indexed, such as JavaScript, or HTML5.

The conversion procedure can take several months, and you may require new software and coding expertise to accomplish it. Once the conversion is finished, you can map the content, update your robots.txt file, and send it to Google.

2. Content optimization: leverage your present assets

When your robots.txt, sitemap, and crawlability troubles are resolved, the next SEO core element to implement is content optimization. This demands making better use of your present assets to boost your rank for specific keywords.

You can use Google Keyword Planner to create a list of target keywords centered on volume and ROI. Then use the list to improve your meta tags and content, beginning with your top-level pages making your way through your categories and subcategories, and eventually concluding with product pages.

Instead of working through your entire site, you can simply prioritize optimizing a handful of select pages. For instance, if the product category “Page A” does relatively well, use Google Search Console to measure its performance.

Does the page correlate with specific keywords? If the answer is yes, you can optimize the category page for those keywords to elevate its performance. This will serve to bolster, but not supplant your programmatic SEO tools.

3. Offsite: generate links and brand engagement

The next phase of creating your SEO program is considering offsite strategies such as social influencer relationships and link-building. Waiting until all your existing content is optimized to begin your offsite work isn’t necessary, but the more comprehensive your content-optimization process is, the more SEO benefits you’ll receive from your link-building and influencer endeavors.

Link-building involves research, and it’s an excellent idea to check Google’s link-building ethics and best practices before starting. The most effective way to locate potential links is with a tool like Majestic that displays you where your competition’s backlinks come from.

That tool shows a list of possible sites to contact with link requests. Reduce that list to top-quality sites with solid traffic and a robust social media presence. Don’t anticipate a large response to your outreach — a 10 to 15 percent response rate is respectable for link-building campaigns.

Discovering the correct influencers requires research, as well. You must understand your product and your audience. You must also determine the social media users who’ve established a following by posting about your niche and industry and then find out who their audience is.

Additionally, it’s vital to realize that the most prominent influencers in your niche may not offer you the best ROI.

You can quickly deplete your budget working with top-tier influencers, or you can elect to join forces with micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are individuals who have between 1,000 to 1,000,000 followers/audience members and are regarded as experts in their particular niche.

They could be anything from a local fashionista and food blogger to a traveler, or a health guru. These smaller, more targeted niche experts relate on a deeper level with their audiences and create increased engagement.

Influencers with 1,000 followers produced 85% greater engagement than those with 100,000 followers, and as the number of followers grows the engagement is prone to decrease.

Remaining within 1,000 to 100,000 followers turns out to be the ideal spot. It just stands to reason — a limited audience means much more hands-on, individual attention which is clearly a recipe for marketing gold.

4. Content creation: extend into knowledge topics

If your company has maintained its SEO program for quite some time, you can take your content creation to the next stage. At this point, your content should go beyond outlining your products and services to addressing consumer questions connected to what you sell. 

For example, rather than creating more content about the purses you sell, develop content about how to select purses for various events, how to care for leather purses, and so forth. Determining what topics to emphasize requires keyword and competitor research.

Leverage a tool such as SEMrush to perform a content gap analysis related to your products, segment, market, and relevant search phrases. For instance, a shoe retailer’s keywords include basics like “men’s shoes” and “women’s shoes,” but there are other popular search phrases they can benefit from, like “running shoes” and “dress shoes.” By doing this analysis, you can generally produce somewhere in the range of 750 – 6,000 keywords that you can exploit to build non-promotional content.

However, it’s likely that you won’t use all the keywords. Your next course of action is to segment your fresh inventory of keywords and assess how you perform for those phrases as opposed to how your competition performs. This filtering can stretch from several days to a complete month.

While this may seem like a tedious task, it’s an investment that translates to a content action plan for your SEO strategy. Case in point, you can prioritize the keywords where you have a competitive opportunity and make them the focal point of your content creation plan over the upcoming year.

To synopsize, to achieve this level of SEO, you must first develop the other levels. Crawlability offers you the groundwork to optimize your current content. Optimization makes link-building and influencer marketing more successful. Knowledge-content creation is the culmination of these other steps. Collectively, these core elements provide you with a stable SEO strategy to help you acquire organic search traffic.

Dog Training Treats for the UpDog International Finals Blog Post

Background: I was asked to create a series of blog posts for American Mountain Jerky. The article was SEO-focused, ensuring outdoor adventurers and health-focused foodies discover American Mountain Jerky's delicious protein punch.

The world of canine sports is a rigorous test of speed, agility, and the profound bond between a dog and its handler. A cornerstone of training and competition is the judicious use of healthy dog treats, which reinforce positive behavior and motivate our four-legged friends to achieve their best.

This is a principle Mountain America Jerky holds dear as an Unobtanium Sponsor of the UpDog International Finals, an event that celebrates the pinnacle of canine athleticism. Our commitment to providing healthy treats for dogs – demonstrated through a large donation of Pet Stix and jerky treats to the UpDog competition – is rooted in the belief that dogs deserve treats that both tantalize their taste buds and promote their health and vitality.

Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky? Understanding Healthy Treats for Dogs 

Many dog owners frequently wonder whether it's safe to give their dogs beef jerky as a treat. Understanding the do's and don'ts is crucial, as the typical human snack is laced with spices and additives unsuitable for canine consumption, presenting real risks. However, Mountain America Jerky is committed to setting a new standard with our specially crafted jerky for dogs, which eliminates harmful contents and instead focuses on delivering a wholesome, protein-packed nutritional profile that supports the energy and health of active dogs. 

It’s important to note that understanding the facts about feeding jerky to your dog is essential when using jerky as a special training treat. Our single-ingredient jerky for dogs ensures that every canine, from the playful pup to the seasoned agility champion, benefits from a safe and nourishing treat.

The Best Dog Training Treats for Dog Competitions 

Finding the best dog training treats is a pivotal factor in the competitive dog sports arena. A treat's ability to captivate a dog's attention and incentivize its performance can make all the difference. It's one of the reasons why MAJ takes pride in offering high-quality jerky for dogs, which stands out as a superior choice due to its lean protein content and savory taste. 

Handlers at high-stakes competitions recognize the value of our jerky, using it to enhance focus and flawless execution of skills during events that challenge a dog's speed, coordination, and obedience. The jerky's mouth-watering appeal helps nurture a strong, trusting relationship between the dog and handler, essential for a synchronized performance.

Using Jerky to Motivate Your Pooch

The versatility of MAJ’s jerky makes it an exceptional aid in training sessions. Professional dog trainers often talk about the importance of keeping a variety of treats – both in terms of size and flavor – on hand to keep dogs interested. By cutting our jerky for dogs into training-sized pieces and slightly larger pieces for bigger rewards, jerky is perfect for repetitive reinforcement and gives handlers a nutritious training treat that dogs are excited to receive. We’ve seen time and time again how our jerky encourages enthusiasm and obedience in dogs, optimizing the training process and reinforcing positive behaviors with every appetizing incentive.

Jerky for Dogs: The Benefits of High-Protein Rewards 

In the world of active dogs, protein is the cornerstone of a diet that supports their dynamic lifestyle. That's why our jerky is not merely a treat but a critical component of a canine athlete's diet. The substantial protein content in each jerky treat aids in muscle development and repair, catering to the needs of dogs engaged in vigorous physical activity. This nutritious approach goes beyond satisfying a dog's appetite – it cultivates a foundation for a robust and lively body, contributing to a dog's overall well-being and athletic ability.

Fueling Dog Sports Performances with Quality Snacks

Dog sports demand not only physical prowess but also a high level of mental acuity, both of which are fueled by a balanced and nutritious diet. For canines participating in the diverse range of sports at the UpDog International Finals, MAJ's donation of premium jerky treats offers a source of sustained energy needed to compete and succeed. These quality snacks underscore the importance of a diet that supports endurance and focus, helping to ensure that each dog can maintain peak performance throughout the competition and beyond.

The UpDog Challenge Dog Agility Competition 

Mountain America Jerky's sponsorship of the UpDog International Finals showcases our commitment to canine health and supporting the dog sports community. The UpDog Challenge stands apart as a premier dog agility competition, attracting exceptionally trained dogs and devoted handlers dedicated to pushing the boundaries of possibility. 

One secret ingredient to their astounding feats is the caliber of the diet and the potency of their reward system. Our three flavors of Pet Stix, which offer the perfect blend of taste and health benefits, fuel each dog to leap to new heights, sprint with vigor, and respond with perfect timing, establishing the essence of winning performances in the competitive agility landscape.

By providing top-notch treats for every dog in the competition, MAJ underscores the importance of superior nutrition within the world of canine athletics. We look forward to backing the tenacious dogs ready to display their talents at the upcoming finals, assured that MAJ’s wholesome jerky treats will play a role in their success. Each triumph, every exuberant leap and catch, is a tribute to our united commitment to the health and happiness of these extraordinary dog athletes.

Moe's Healthy Pets Canine Electrolyte Chews

Background: Moe's Healthy Pets commissioned me to create a number of product descriptions for their product line of canine chews. The descriptions were to be educational and informative without any filler. The client loved the content, and it effectively conveyed the key benefits and features of their products in a concise and engaging manner. 

Our Electrolyte Chews are the ultimate snack with substance, specifically formulated to keep your pup lively and well-hydrated. Each chew is jam-packed with essential electrolytes and minerals including Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc - creating a perfect blend to support fluid balance and nerve functions.

We didn't stop there; we've added a vitamin trio with Vitamins B2, B6, and B12 to aid in energy metabolism and keep your dog's immune system and red blood cells healthy. With these scientifically-selected nutrients, your dog won’t just be game for anything – they’ll be nourished for everything.

What it Does

Electrolyte Chews actively work to ensure your dog maintains proper hydration and energy levels. Whether it's during a game of fetch or just everyday playfulness, your dog deserves to feel their best. These chews provide the necessary elements to help your pet maintain a healthy fluid balance, offering a delicious solution to their daily dietary needs.


  • Sodium 100mg

  • Potassium 30mg

  • Calcium 20 mg

  • Magnesium 16 mg

  • Zinc 10 mg

  • Vitamin B2 4mg

  • Vitamin B6 4mg

  • Vitamin B12 10 mcg

Directions for Use:

Start with (1) one soft chew working up to the individual amounts listed below according to your dog’s weight.

Suggested Daily Amounts

  • <25 lbs 1 Chew
  • 25-75 lbs 2 Chews
  • 75> lbs 3 Chews

Shipping, Returns & Guarantee

We want to make sure that you and your pooch are 100% satisfied with your Moe’s purchase. For this reason, we offer a 30-day return policy, starting from the date you receive the product in the mail. If your return is within the 30-day window, please email short, a happy you is a happy us! Elevate your furry friend's health regime with Moe's Healthy Pets Canine Electrolyte Chews. Craft a legacy of vitality for your dog and click 'Add to Cart' now. Tomorrow's wellness begins today. Moe's Healthy Pets – For the Pioneers of Pet Health.

What Electrolyte Chews Does for Your Pup

Only The Best Ingredients

Sodium: Essential for regulating water balance, sodium is a key mineral that helps maintain normal cellular function and nerve impulse transmission in your pup.

Potassium: Vital for heart, muscle, and digestive functions, potassium aids your dog's nerves and muscles to work together smoothly.

Calcium: Beyond building strong bones, calcium plays a crucial role in supporting the heart and muscles, ensuring your pup stays active and healthy.

Magnesium: Magnesium aids in energy production and supports bone health, as well as helps with muscle relaxation and nerve function in dogs.

Zinc: Fundamental for immune system support, skin health, and wound healing, zinc keeps your pup’s defensive systems robust and their coat shiny.

Vitamin B2: Also known as Riboflavin, Vitamin B2 is instrumental in energy metabolism and helps keep your dog's skin and coat in glowing condition.

Vitamin B6: This vitamin is key for protein synthesis and nervous system health, contributing to your pup's overall growth and well-being.

Vitamin B12: Essential for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, Vitamin B12 also plays a significant role in the formation of blood in your canine friend.

HydroRescue Serum Product Description

Luma & Leaf, a brand offering plant-powered, vegan, clean, and responsibly sourced skincare, recently entrusted me with crafting product descriptions, including for their brand-new HydroRescue serum. They were so impressed with the results that I continue to be their go-to copywriter for various projects.

Wrap your skin in a blanket of bliss with HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum, the heart of our lovingly crafted Soothing Collection. This ultra-moisturizing serum isn't just about hydration; it's your personal skin sanctuary, providing the instant plump and persistent moisture your skin craves, all while reinforcing the barrier that keeps it safe and sound.

Packed with a generous 5% beta-glucan, earth-kind passionfruit seed oil, and a harmonious blend of Tremella, Chaga, and Cordyceps mushrooms, HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum is like a comforting hug for your skin. Its rich, velvety texture glides on and sinks in like a dream – no stickiness, just pure, soothing moisture for a complexion that looks and feels joyously healthy.

Star Ingredients:

  • Beta-Glucan 5% supercharges your skin's hydration regime, working synergistically with Hyaluronic Acid to deliver deep moisturization, soothe redness, and enhance collagen production for peerless youthful firmness and bounce-back resilience.
  • Passionfruit Seed Oil enriches skin with restorative properties that stimulate collagen and elastin, enhancing firmness and healing dry, weakened areas for a resilient, smoother complexion.
  • Mushroom Trio - Tremella, Chaga, Cordyceps: Not all heroes wear capes—some come in the form of mushrooms, offering their superhero hydration, soothing troubled skin, and guarding against daily environmental stressors..
  • Tremella: The hydration whisperer, bestowing your skin with a lasting dewiness.
  • Chaga: The glow-getter, loaded with polyphenols to bless your skin with a radiance that speaks volumes.
  • Cordyceps: The comforter, easing your skin's woes and wrapping it in contentment.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: This moisture magnet in three molecular sizes ensures that every layer of your skin receives the ultimate in luxurious pampering, from the outermost surface to the deepest dermal levels.

Benefits of HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum

Experience an abundance of benefits that HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum brings to your skincare table, making it not just a product but a skin-transforming experience:

  • Deep Hydration: Dive into the depths of hydration with our serum that doesn't just sit on the surface but penetrates your skin to provide that deeply quenched feeling.
  • Instant Plumping: Say goodbye to tired, sagging skin. HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum gives your face that plump, firm look instantly, making fine lines and wrinkles take a back seat.
  • Long-term Barrier Protection: Our serum acts like a shield for your skin, fortifying your skin's natural defenses against pollutants and stressors that you face every day.
  • Soothing and Calming: Whether you’re dealing with redness, irritation, or just want to give your skin a break, the soothing properties of HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum create a tranquil haven for your skin cells to rejuvenate.
  • Radiance and Glow: Who doesn't love a natural, healthy glow? Our blend of mushrooms and passionfruit oil illuminates your complexion from within, giving you that lit-from-within look.
  • Texture Improvement: Consistent use of HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum leads to smoother, more even-textured skin that feels as good as it looks. It's like giving your skin a new, improved surface.
  • Skin Resilience Building: Strengthening your skin's resilience, HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum helps it to bounce back from daily challenges, maintaining its health and vitality over time.

Snuggle your skin in the tender, loving care of HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum and witness a transformation that not only lifts your skin but also your spirits. It's not just skincare; it's a daily ritual of love for the skin you’re in.

How-To Heaven:

Prep: A little shake-up is all you need to wake up the magic inside the bottle. One pump on your fingertips, and you're set to go.
Apply: Dab it on your washed face and neck, then massage gently in soft circles. Feel it melt into your skin, drinking up the goodness.

Timing: Morning or night, after cleansing, let HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum lead the way in your hydration ritual for that enviable plumpness.

Pro tip: Why limit the love? Treat your décolletage and hands to a dose of HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum and bask in the glow of head-to-toe hydration.

Indulge in the serene embrace of HydroRescue Pro-Barrier Serum, your skin's ally in daily protection and pleasure. Transform your skincare routine into a celebration of self-care, and watch as your skin flourishes, beaming with vitality and a luminous, energized essence.

Hormones + Weight Loss Homepage Content

Background: Hormones + Weight Loss recently asked me to rewrite their homepage. They wanted the content to be more compelling while still being educational. The owners were very happy with the copy and reported a sharp increase in unique visitors, engagement, and conversions.

“A Knowledgeable, Patient-Centered Approach to Renewed Health & Vitality”

Say Goodbye to Fatigue, Stress, and Irritability, and Hello to a Happy, Youthful, Vibrant New You!

Are you experiencing reduced libido, low mood, fatigue, weight gain, or an increase in wrinkles and fine lines? Would you like to start experiencing renewed health and vitality in just a matter of weeks, instead of months or even years?

You see, millions of individuals are impacted by hormone imbalances every day.

An estimated 80% of women suffer from some type of hormonal imbalance. For men, beginning at age 20, their hormone levels decrease approximately 14% every 10 years.

Hormones are responsible for regulating many of your processes and systems. As you age, your hormone levels decrease, leaving you unable to regulate your body’s primary functions.

You no longer feel like your younger self!

Not only can low hormone levels impact your immediate quality of life, but they can increase your risk for obesity, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.

Simply put, you must remedy ALL hormonal deficiencies if you want to attain peak wellness!

Just imagine….having a stronger sex drive, better mental clarity, an enhanced ability to lose fat/build muscle, healthier-looking skin, and an overall improved sense of wellness!

Your life transforms right before your eyes as you burst with boundless energy, vitality, and renewed youth! All of this and more is possible with the anti-aging services available at Hormones + Wellness!

A Welcoming and Compassionate Team of Anti-Aging Professionals

From the moment you step through the doors at Hormones + Weight Loss, you are welcomed by a smiling team of dedicated and compassionate professionals with a unique mission: our dedication to the people we serve.

You see, we struggled ourselves for years with hormonal imbalances -  unexplained irritability, sudden fatigue, baffling weight gain, and other debilitating symptoms without realizing the root cause of our discomfort.

It was only when we discovered those hormonal imbalances were responsible for our issues, were we able to eliminate those symptoms with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).

It was as if dark clouds of frustration, stress, and uncertainty lifted, giving way to blue skies of hope, enthusiasm, and a renewed zest for life!

Our personal and professional relationships improved, we once again had the energy to participate in our favorite activities, and importantly, we were inspired to open up Hormones + Weight Loss in an effort to enhance the lives of others grappling with the debilitating effects of hormonal imbalances.

BHRT played a pivotal role in once again making life fruitful, fun, and ultimately, very rewarding!

But Just Don’t Take Our Word for It!

"After months of feeling exhausted and irritable, Hormones + Wellness was my savior. Their patient-centered approach and BHRT have revitalized my life. I've kissed fatigue goodbye and welcomed a vibrant me. I feel like I've turned back the clock—thank you for giving me my spark back!"

- T. Davis

"I never realized how much hormonal imbalances affect my daily life until I discovered Hormones + Wellness. Their treatment has been a game-changer—enhanced mood, increased sex drive, and no more unexplained
weight gain. It's like I've been reborn!"

- J. Martinez

"The transformation since starting RF Microneedling has been astonishing. My skin hasn't looked this youthful in years, and the fine lines have visibly diminished. Hormones + Weight Loss's compassionate team and state-of-the-art services made all the difference. I look as young as I feel, finally!"

- S. Anderson

State-of-the-Art Services 

In addition to BHRT, we feature numerous other anti-aging services, including Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling, - a skincare treatment using incredibly thin microneedles to penetrate the skin which delivers a rejuvenating burst of radiofrequency energy to the treatment area. 

Life-Transforming Benefits of RF Microneedling include:

✅ Improved appearance of acne scars

✅ Regenerated collagen and elastin in the skin to give a more youthful appearance

✅ Minimized appearance of pore size

✅ Breaks down pigment in the skin

✅ A safe and natural treatment for all skin tones and types

Thanks to Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling reversing visible signs of aging is becoming a reality! This advanced, minimally invasive treatment can help you look years younger in just weeks! Finally, you will look as young as you feel!

Why Choose Hormones + Weight Loss?

✔️ An unparalleled level of service that meets and surpasses the industry’s highest standard.

✔️ ️ Leading-edge services such as Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Mona Lisa Touch Vaguventaion, and Peptide Therapy.

✔️ Detailed, laser-focused treatment plan to correct your hormone imbalance.

✔️ We are a Direct-Care service medical office - Lower costs, longer
appointment times, and more attention dedicated to your specific needs!

✔️ Our patients ALWAYS come first. We are respectful of a patient’s time and never make you wait. Our treatment programs are patient-centered.

Your Journey to a Healthier, Happier You Starts Now!

“There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live and that person is you” - Jack Canfield

Join millions of other men and women from all walks of life who are enjoying the life-transforming benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) and other cutting-edge anti-aging services featured at Hormones + Weight Loss.
Together, we will help you look the way you want on the outside, feel the way you should on the inside, and live a vibrant, active lifestyle!

Click Below To Make Your Appointment Today!

GLX3 Long-Form Landing Page

Background: Moxie Media tasked me with rewriting a landing page to promote their client's Omega-3 supplement. They observed a notable reduction in bounce rate and a substantial increase in conversions.

Get ALL the Powerful Health Benefits of Omega-3s, without the Unpleasant Fishy Aftertaste or Burps!

Relieve Inflammation and Joint Pain with the Most Effective Omega-3 Supplement Available!

Imagine No More Mornings Gripped by Stiff, Aching Joints...

Envision yourself waking up refreshed, with a renewed sense of vitality and freedom from aches and pains. Picture yourself hiking through a lush, green forest trail without the nagging inflammation that's held you back for far too long.

This could be your new reality very soon when you unlock the transformative power of GLX3 — a revolutionary Omega-3 supplement that has changed thousands of lives.

The Ancient Healing Secrets of New Zealand

Let me take you back to where it all began, off the pristine eastern coast of New Zealand. Here, the crystal-clear ocean waters teem with an abundance of nutrients and minerals, creating the perfect ecosystem for nature's superfood treasures to thrive.

It's in these bountiful waters that Green-Lipped Mussels filter and concentrate nature's gifts into nutrient-dense powerhouses. For generations, the indigenous Māori people have revered these special mussels, using them to remedy joint pain, boost heart health, and enhance brain function.

Now, this ancient natural remedy has been unlocked and refined into GLX3 — the world's most potent and effective Omega-3 supplement.

The Omega-3 Advantage: Potent, Pure, and Powerful

  • Unlike common fish oils prone to unpleasant aftertastes and fishy burps, GLX3 harnesses over 30 different Omega-3 fatty acids from Green-Lipped Mussels, including EPA, OTA, DHA, and ETA.
  • Every tiny, easy-to-swallow capsule packs a powerful anti-inflammatory punch, delivering 158 times more impact than traditional fish oils.
  • GLX3 contains only pure, sustainably sourced ingredients: Green-Lipped Mussel Oil, New Zealand Olive Oil, and Vitamin E Oil — no GMOs, fillers, or artificial additives.

But GLX3 isn't just about battling inflammation. It's a comprehensive solution for whole-body wellness, fortifying your heart, sharpening your mind, and fueling your body with lasting energy and endurance.

The Life-Changing Benefits of GLX3:

✅ Reduced Inflammation and Joint Pain Relief

✅ Improved Joint Mobility and Flexibility
✅ Healthy Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels

✅ Enhanced Heart Health and Cardiovascular Function

✅ Boosted Brain Power and Mental Clarity

✅ Increased Energy, Stamina, and Endurance

✅ Respiratory Support and Healthier Breathing

Testimonies of Transformation

Don't just take our word for it. Listen to these remarkable stories of resilience from real GLX3 users:

"I purchased GLX3 for an older family member who had been suffering from significant joint pain and arthritis for years. We're only on our second bottle, but these little pills have already made a huge difference in her mobility and pain levels." - Paul Y.

"A hiking accident in the Rockies left me plagued by severe hip and ankle pain — that is, until GLX3 came to the rescue. This is now what I take for inflammation and pain, and I will never stop using this life-changing supplement!" - J. Worth

"I love this product! Since taking GLX3, I experience less muscle soreness after working out, and I'm sleeping better than ever." - Sutton D.

An Ancient Remedy Meets Modern Science

With GLX3, you're not just swallowing a capsule — you're ingesting the culmination of nature's wisdom, honed by centuries of indigenous knowledge and cutting-edge science.

So, what will your GLX3 story be? Will it be the tale of reclaiming your active lifestyle, free from the constraints of chronic inflammation? Or the epic journey of revitalizing your mind, heart, and body with a single, powerful supplement?

The choice is yours, but this opportunity is fleeting.

The Superfood Omega-3 Your Body Craves

As you may know, Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that your body cannot produce on its own. They must be obtained through your diet or high-quality supplementation.

Unfortunately, most people are severely deficient in these vital nutrients. The modern Western diet is sorely lacking in Omega-3s, instead overloaded with inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids from processed foods.

This lopsided Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio can wreak havoc on your body, contributing to:

  • Chronic inflammation and joint pain
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Poor brain function and cognitive decline
  • Mood disorders like depression and anxiety
  • Dry skin, brittle nails, and dull hair
  • Compromised immune system function

Your body is starving for the healing, antioxidant power of Omega-3s. And GLX3 delivers this vital nourishment in its most bioavailable, potent form.

The Omega-3 Dilemma: Quality vs. Quantity

You may be thinking, "Can't I just eat more fatty fish like salmon to get my Omega-3s?"

In theory, yes. But in reality, most people struggle to consume enough fish to meet their Omega-3 needs. Experts recommend eating fatty fish 2-3 times per week — a tall order for those who dislike the taste or are concerned about toxins like mercury.

What's more, not all Omega-3 sources are created equal. The Omega-3s in GLX3 are more effective and bioavailable than those found in common fish oils. Here's why:

  • GLX3 contains a full-spectrum of 30+ Omega-3 fatty acids from Green-Lipped Mussels, not just EPA and DHA.
  • These rare Omega-3s have superior anti-inflammatory properties and are more efficiently absorbed.
  • GLX3's Omega-3s are stable at room temperature and resistant to oxidation, preserving their potency.

In fact, studies show the Omega-3s in Green-Lipped Mussel Oil are 158 times more powerful than standard fish oils at reducing inflammation. You'd have to swallow over 150 large fish oil capsules just to equal the benefits of two tiny GLX3 pills!

Secure Your Limited-Time Savings Today

For a limited time only, you can secure a 30-day supply of GLX3 for the unbeatable price of just $41 (23% off!) — a small investment for a life-changing transformation. But supplies are dwindling rapidly, and this offer won't last forever.

Don't resign yourself to a life of endless chronic inflammation, pain, and frustration. Seize your chance to experience the GLX3 revolution and embark on a new chapter of vibrant, pain-free living.

Click the order button now, and let your GLX3 story begin. Your journey to whole-body wellness awaits!

P.S. This special promotional price is only guaranteed for a very limited time. We reserve the right to increase the price at any moment without warning, so act fast to secure your discounted order!

P.P.S. Click here to save even more with our discounted 3 and 6-month GLX3 supply packages!

Bisou Natural Air Purifying Bag Landing Page

Background: A Tennessee-based marketing agency requested my assistance in creating a holiday promotional landing page. Both the agency and their client expressed great satisfaction with the copy, citing a significant improvement in all key metrics.

Christmas Just Came Early! Shop our exclusive Holiday Pre-Sale!

When you Buy 1 Bisou Natural Air purifying set, you’ll get 2 FREE!

Have you heard? Christmas is arriving early this year!

To celebrate, we are gifting you the opportunity to safely, and effectively rid your house, car, and other spaces of unwelcome scents and odors!

Sure, conventional sprays claim to freshen your home, and scented candles and plug-in fresheners promise to make your house smell exactly like “Sugar Plums.”...


Cheap, run-of-the-mill air fresheners contain hazardous chemicals (like formaldehyde and petroleum) that diminish the ozone layer and harm your health. Yikes!

However, an all-new premium air freshener alternative is sweeping the nation, providing clean, healthy air in a safe, stylish, and small package!

The Bisou Natural Air Purifying Bag!

✅Eliminates odors safely and effectively

✅100% non-toxic and fragrance-free

✅Each bag is made by hand

✅Makes the perfect holiday gift for family and friends -- or treat yourself!

✅ Stylish, Handcrafted, and Sustainable!

Even Santa’s elves would be thrilled by the peerless craftsmanship that goes into every hand-made Bisou Natural air purifying bag!

Each bag is expertly crafted by a skilled artisan using only environmentally sustainable materials.

The result is a superior product that you can be proud to own, proud to use, and proud to give as a gift!

And we plant 30 trees with every set we sell! It really is the gift that keeps on giving!

Just listen to these happy customers!

"I was skeptical about air purifiers until I tried the Bisou Natural set. Let me tell you, our family's holiday gathering was free of my dog's usual 'contributions' to the ambiance. Not only did I get compliments on my eco-friendly choice, but the Buy 1 Get 2 Free deal was the cherry on top. It's a holiday miracle!"

Harrison G.

"I'm all for natural products, so when I found Bisou's air purifying bags on pre-sale, I jumped at the chance. I gave the extra sets as early Christmas gifts, and my friends are obsessed! The fact that it also supports tree planting makes it the gift that truly keeps on giving. Best. Purchase. Ever."

Jeanie W.

I grabbed these air purifying bags during the Holiday Pre-Sale for my musty office and, wow, what a difference! The peace of knowing I'm not breathing in chemicals is priceless. Plus, the stylish design is a conversation starter. Loving the fresh air, and my co-workers are now Bisou converts too!"

Amanda L.

<< Order One Bisou Natural Air Purifying Set and Get Two FREE! >>

“After years of battling with my husband's smelly gym shoes, Bisou Natural Air Purifying Bags have saved my nose and our marriage! The holiday pre-sale was a no-brainer—I've stashed them everywhere from our car to his closet. And getting two free sets? That's like Santa answering my letters. Hello, fresh air, and goodbye, stink!"

Nina P.

And we’ve got sizes for all your needs . . .

  • Small size: 2.6 oz -- Great for shoes and bags
  • Standard size: 7 oz air purifying bag -- Great for cars, wardrobes, storage rooms, kitchens, refrigerators, mudrooms, laundry rooms, and more
  • ​Jumbo size: 17.5 oz air purifying bag -- Great for living rooms, smelly toilets, bedrooms, study rooms, and larger spaces, in general

There is virtually NO LIMIT to where you can use your new set of Bisou Natural Air purifying bags.

Good things come to those who shop early!

Why wait for the holidays when you can save big $$$ on the perfect gift now?

We are rewarding early-bird shoppers with a very special Buy ONE Get TWO FREE offer!

When you lock in your order for ONE set of Bisou Natural air purifying bags TODAY, you’ll receive TWO absolutely FREE!

It’s the PERFECT gift for friends, family, and co-workers! 

But this is a limited-time offer and will expire soon, so you must ACT NOW!

And remember, with every set of bags we sell, we will plant 30 trees in honor of our customers!

Time is running out…

Act now to take advantage of this limited-time offer!

Give the gift that keeps on giving! 

<< Order The Bisou Natural Air Purifying Holiday Set Today! >>

Marriage Talk Landing Page

Background: Jennifer Price, a prominent Marriage Interventionist, commissioned me to design a landing page for her recently launched marriage course, "Marriage Talk." She conveyed that the page surpassed her expectations and generated strong conversions.

The Marriage Communication Secrets That'll Save Your Relationship 

Tears streamed down Jennifer's face as she overheard her parents' raised voices and harsh words cutting through the walls once again. She was only 8 years old, but could already feel the rift tearing her family apart.

What started as the envy of their neighborhood - a storybook marriage full of love and laughter - had descended into a daily ritual of bitter fights and stony silence. The bonds of communication had been severed, leaving Jennifer's parents like hostage survivors just trying to endure each day.

From that traumatic childhood experience, Jennifer vowed to dedicate her life to helping couples preserve the connection, intimacy, and open-hearted communication that are vital for any healthy, thriving relationship.

After years of intensive study under renowned masters of psychology, counseling, and communication strategies, Jennifer has developed a revolutionary system that's helped hundreds of couples rescue their marriages from the brink.

Now for the first time, she's making her life's work available to a wider audience through:

Marriage Talk: A 30-Day Intensive to Reignite Connection, Intimacy & Understanding

Over the course of 30 power-packed days, you'll join Jennifer on a transformational journey to revive the lost art of marital communication. Drawing from her hard-won wisdom and decades of experience, she'll share indispensable tools, techniques, and frameworks to help you:

Resolve conflicts through compassionate understanding (not painful arguments)

Express your deepest needs and have your partner "get" you like never before

Rekindle the passion, intimacy, and profound bonds you shared as newlyweds

Each week, you'll join Jennifer LIVE for interactive training sessions covering essential topics like:

  • The Language of Intimacy: Communicating to create closeness, not separation
  • Decoding Her/His Dialect: How to bridge the male/female communication gap
  • Your Communication Chameleon: Adapting your style for maximum impact
  • The Enneagram Advantage: Insights into your partner's core needs and motivations

But that's not all...

In addition to Jennifer's life-changing weekly training sessions, you'll also receive:

✔️ Live Q&A Coaching Calls - Get personalized guidance from Jennifer on your specific situation and roadblocks during these interactive Q&A sessions.

✔️ Communication Mastery Workbook - A comprehensive step-by-step workbook to put all of Jennifer's strategies into practice with ease.

✔️ Exclusive Access to the Private Marriage Talk Community - Connect with like-minded couples, share wins, get support and encouragement.

✔️ Marriage Vitality Video Series - Intimate interviews with real couples on overcoming their toughest challenges.

"Jennifer's strategies renewed my confidence and changed my life's direction." - Kate P.

"New energy, excitement and passion we haven't felt in years!" - Sherie D.

Don't let poor communication keep you and your partner disconnected one day longer. For a limited time only, you can secure your spot in the life-changing Marriage Talk 30-Day program for just $197.

This is the entire system Jennifer has crystallized over decades of research, training, and work with couples from around the world. It's valued at $2,997, but you'll get EVERYTHING at a massive 93% discount during this special online training.

Hurry, space is extremely limited due to the personal nature of this program! Click the link below to begin revitalizing your marriage today.

Revive the Lost Art of Connection >>

Don't let the silent marital killer of poor communication keep you trapped any longer. Join Marriage Talk today and rediscover the intimacy, passion, and profound love you've been craving with your partner.

Elevate Nutrition and Fitness Coaching Facebook Ads

Background: These three Facebook advertisements were crafted to educate potential customers about Elevate's services and encourage them to schedule a free consultation with the business owner.

Ad 1: Transform Your Lifestyle with Elevate!

Headline: Transform Your Lifestyle with Elevate!

Link Description: Nutrition & Fitness Plans Tailored For You

Body: Do you want to take control of your health and fitness goals? Whether you're in it to shed some pounds, build muscle, or enhance your athletic performance, Elevate Nutrition & Fitness is your partner in this journey! Our clients range from teenagers to seniors, athletes to new moms, and everyone in between. We're all about creating a custom plan that works for YOU. With body composition analysis and personalized meal guides, we'll make sure your path to wellness is as unique as you are. And the best part? You can join us from ANYWHERE! Say NO to fads and YES to a healthier you. Click now to schedule your consultation – because your goals can't wait!

Hashtags: #ElevateYourLife #NutritionMatters #FitnessGoals

Ad 2: Ready for Real Results? Elevate is Here!

Headline: Ready for Real Results? Elevate is Here!

Link Description: Sustainable Nutrition & Fitness Plans

Body: Tired of one-size-fits-all diets and workouts that just don't stick? Elevate Nutrition & Fitness is about real change, for real people, with real lives. We understand the struggle, whether it's losing that stubborn fat or navigating the hormonal changes of menopause. Our program isn't about quick fixes; it's about sustainable success.

With Elevate, expect to lose between 0.5% - 1% body fat weekly by following a plan tailored just for you. We're committed to your health, providing education, accountability, and a supportive environment that cheers you on, step by step. Join the Elevate family and start your transformation today. It's not just about losing weight; it's about gaining life!

Call to Action: Click to find out more!

Hashtags: #SustainableHealth #ElevateSuccess #LifestyleChange

Ad 3: Eat Well, Live Well with Elevate!

Headline: Eat Well, Live Well with Elevate!

Link Description: Custom Nutrition Plans & Community

Body: At Elevate Nutrition & Fitness, we believe in nourishment, not deprivation. Say goodbye to starvation diets and hello to delicious, healthy meals that fuel your body and delight your taste buds! We cater to your dietary needs and preferences, ensuring you enjoy every bite on your way to achieving your fitness goals. Whether you're looking to lean out, bulk up, or simply feel better, our science-based nutrition plans are the cornerstone of optimum results. With Elevate, you'll join a community that's all about acceptance and positive vibes. Let's make healthy habits together, no matter where you are.

Call to Action: Click to start eating right and feeling amazing with your very own custom meal guide!

Hashtags: #HealthyEating #CustomNutrition #ElevateEveryMeal

Background: A Tennessee-based marketing agency requested my assistance in creating a holiday promotional landing page. Both the agency and their client expressed great satisfaction with the copy, citing a significant improvement in all key metrics.

DANI Naturals Short Form Facebook Ads

Background: DANI Naturals commissioned me to create Facebook ads (Middle of Funnel) targeting various demographics. The Facebook ad surpassed the key performance metrics, significantly exceeding targets for both engagement and conversion.

Ad Copy V1: Madi (18-29) 

Body: What are you waiting for!? 

It’s time to show your skin and hair some all-natural self-love! 💗

“These products are absolutely dreamy. I love that I can trust this company to provide clean, natural, AMAZING products for my body and home!! Obsessed with the new Rose scent!!” - Shannon M.

Never greasy. Never oily. Just radiant, glowing hair and skin!

Going all-natural never looked or smelled so good!

Find your favorite scent today!

Shop now > >

Headline: 💗 Self Love for your Skin & Hair > >

Link Description: Luxury scents for body, bath, and home. 

Ad Copy V2: Lauren (29-39) 

Body: “I absolutely LOVE this lotion! All-natural ingredients, no greasy feel at all, smells heavenly and makes my skin feel smooth. I use it on my children, along with the bath gel, hand soap, and sugar scrub!” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

All-natural, eco-friendly products for the entire family!

FREE Shipping on all domestic orders over $50!

Experience the DANI difference today > >

Headline: 🍃 Discover YOUR Favorite Scent Today!

Link Description: All-natural products for body, bath, and home.

Ad Copy V3: Ruth (55-65+)

Body: Just say NO! 🛑

. . . to harmful, toxic ingredients in your body, bath, and home products!

And say YES, to DANI Naturals!

The #1 choice for all-natural body, bath, and home products using only the purest ingredients and essential oil blends. 🌿

Eco-friendly, sulfate-free, and made with love. 💕

Going natural never looked or smelled so good!

Enjoy FREE shipping on all domestic orders over $50!

Shop here > >

Headline: 🍃 Love the skin you’re in with DANI Naturals 💗

Link Description: All-natural products for body, bath, and home. 

Fortnite Battle Royale Guide Amazon eBook Description

Background: A prominent Amazon eBook seller asked me to craft the following product listing. He reported that I was his highest-performing copywriter and that sales surpassed his expectations.

Discover the Inside Secrets that Will Take You From Rank Beginner to Battle Royale Expert

Have you felt the stab of panic and adrenaline when dropping down onto the battlefield in Fortnite Battle Royale?

The odds are frighteningly stacked against you…99 other players hunting you down, stalking your every move - looking to destroy you INSTANTLY.

Sure. you might pull out a win here or a win there, BUT LET’S BE REAL…

You feel like winning is largely out of your hands and a victory comes down to nothing but good old-fashioned “luck.”


Not only can you level the playing field, but you can gain a HUGE ADVANTAGE OVER YOUR COMPETITION.

YOU JUST SIMPLY NEED TO KNOW HOW to get good at Fortnite: Battle Royale.

You not only need patience and determination but you need to acquire tools, tricks, and techniques NOT AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC


This powerful eBook arms you with a wealth of beginner tips and tricks, map strategies, drop zone advice, weapons details, resources, and crafting information that will have you CRUSHING YOUR COMPETITION in no time!

Within this comprehensive guide, you'll discover

  • A goldmine of beginner tips and tricks
  • Powerful map strategies to help you navigate Fortnite: Battle Royale like a pro!
  • All the hottest drop zones bursting with guns and ammo! 
  • Detailed damage ratings for 100+ weapons!
  • How to expertly craft structures with materials you’ve built!

Just imagine…

No more guesswork, no more luck, no more frustration – just expert tips and strategies to help you


This is the incredible new guide your competition doesn’t want you to know about…

You’ll discover the best drop zones, map strategies, weapon details, and other resources to go from BEGINNER TO PRO IN NO TIME FLAT!


If you are ready to take your Fortnite Battle Royale skills to the next level, you need the Fortnite Battle Royale Guide.

Click here to download your copy of Fortnite Battle Royale today and start PULVERIZING your competition tomorrow!

3-Part Full Package Nutritional Email Series

Background:  I developed three promotional emails aimed at motivating my client's subscribers to take advantage of a 15% discount on their purchases. This meticulously designed email sequence was designed to engage her audience, highlight the benefits of her offering, and ultimately incentivize them to act quickly to capitalize on this limited-time offer.

Email 1: Subject: Unlock the Power of Personalized Nutrition – Exclusive 15% Off Inside!

Hi [Subscriber’s Name],

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you think about food and nutrition? Imagine having a personalized blueprint that guides you to your healthiest self – that's exactly what my Full Package is designed to do!

I’m thrilled to offer you an exclusive 15% discount on this transformative journey. For just $148.75 (originally $175), you're not just getting advice; you're getting a transformation.

Each of the three sessions, lasting up to 60 minutes, is tailored to your unique dietary needs and goals.

Whether you're looking to manage your weight, enhance athletic performance, or simply feel more vibrant, I’m here to craft the perfect plan for you.

And the best part? If you find yourself unable to use all three consultations, you can transfer them to a friend or family member. It’s the gift of health, and it’s just a click away.

Don't wait to take control of your well-being.

Click here to seize this recommended offer with your special 15% discount and begin your journey to a healthier, happier you!

To vibrant health,

Adrienne Aldous

Email 2: Subject: Make Every Meal Count – Your Nutrition Journey Awaits with 15% Off!

Hi [Subscriber’s Name],

I noticed you haven't leaped into your nutrition transformation yet.

Remember, what we eat directly impacts how we feel, perform, and even how we think. My Full Package is your gateway to understanding and optimizing your diet.

Three sessions, up to 60 minutes each, now at a special price of $148.75 – a 15% discount from the original $175.

It's an investment in your most precious asset: your health. I’m eager to help you meet your dietary goals with ease and confidence.

But don’t take too long to decide! Your path to a more energetic and vibrant life is just a decision away.

Click here to book your first session with the exclusive discount and take that pivotal step towards a healthier you.

Here’s to your health,

Adrienne Aldous

Email 3: Subject: Last Chance – Your Health Awaits with 15% Off!

Dear [Subscriber’s Name],

This is it – your last chance to grab my Full Package at an exclusive discounted price. Time is ticking, and so is the opportunity to create lasting changes in your health and lifestyle.

Imagine having a dedicated expert to help you navigate the complex world of nutrition, someone to tackle your specific dietary challenges and celebrate your successes.

With my consultations, you'll gain insights into how to fuel your body best, making every meal a stepping stone to your ultimate well-being.

This offer, now at $148.75 (15% off the original price of $175), is highly recommended by those who've transformed their lives through my personalized approach. Don’t miss out on your chance to join them.

Click here to book your consultations before this offer ends.

Transform your health today!

Adrienne Aldous

P.S. Remember, these sessions are transferable! If you know someone who could benefit from our expertise, this could be the perfect gift. Act now and spread the health!

6 Part Nurturing Email Series

Background: commissioned me to create a 6-part email nurturing sequence. They reported a significant boost in engagement, resulting in a surge in sales.

Email 1. Welcome email 

Subject: Welcome to!
Subject: Thank you for subscribing to!
Subject: Good decision. Welcome to our family. :)

{First name}, welcome to the Sexy Modest family!

We are so happy to have you! As you may already know, our mission is to provide high-quality clothing for women that love to be comfortable, yet aren't about to give up looking cute while being modest.

You have options, tons of them! From our fashionable tops and beautiful dresses to our cute bottoms and elegant temple gowns, we are confident you'll find something that makes you look and feel beautiful.

We also offer free shipping on all orders over $65, along with a no-hassle return policy. We want you to LOVE your purchase! If for any reason you aren't happy with your order, simply visit our online return portal to complete the return process. It couldn't be any easier, seriously!

By joining our list you'll be the first to know about new products, blog updates, and exciting news and events.

Thanks again for signing up! We'll try not to blast you with emails since we know what that's like. :)

If you need style advice, help navigating the website, or assistance placing an order, don't hesitate to email us.

We love what we do and can't wait to share it with you!

Xoxo, Sexy Modest

P.S. If at any point, it feels like too much, simply hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any of our emails. We won't be upset, we totally get it!

P.P.S. Privacy is important to us, so we promise not to sell, rent, or give your name or address to anyone.


Email 2. Message from Owner 

Subject: A special message from the owner

Subject: I want to personally introduce myself

Subject: Seriously, thank you!

Hi {First name},

My name is Brigitte Shamy and I'm the owner of

I wanted to personally thank you for joining our family! I also wanted to give you a quick behind-the-scenes peek at how we came to be. :)

As I was preparing to welcome my beautiful baby girl Laney into this world 10 years ago, I clearly remember how frustrated I was at being unable to find modest clothing that made me feel attractive.

I'd shop store after store, searching endlessly for cute and modest outfits, but without fail, I'd leave empty-handed. Talk about frustrating!

Sure, I could find cute clothing, but it wasn't even remotely close to being modest. It was at that very moment that I decided NO ONE should have to sacrifice modesty for feeling cute and sexy!

Recalling my passion for design as a teenager, I began meeting with fabric manufacturers and pattern makers.

I was on a mission and I knew there was no stopping me! I was a runaway freight train, determined to bring sexy, yet modest clothing to women everywhere.

After much trial and error (not to mention many tears!) my Brigitte Brianna Collection was born.

It's with a great deal of gratitude and appreciation that I'm able to bring my line of custom-designed tops, bottoms, and dresses to an online community of fashionable women, anxious to feel sexy and attractive without compromising their values.

Once again, thank you for being part of the Sexy Modest family!

Xoxo, Brigitte Shamy

P.S. You can read more about my journey here <link to>


Email 3: Invitation to connect 

Subject: Hey{first name}, let's connect on social!

Subject: Let's hang out on social{first name}

Subject: {First name}, follow us on social!

Calling all social butterflies, connect with!

<Link to Facebook> – “Love” us? Then like us on Facebook!

<Link to Pinterest> – Get exciting new ideas!

<Link to YouTube > – See us in action!

<Link to Instagram> – Discover inspiring photos and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

Look forward to seeing you soon!

Xoxo, Sexy Modest

Email 4: Get to know your contacts 

Subject: {First name}, can you help us out?

Subject: {First name}, what would you like more of?

Subject: {First name}, quick question for you

{First name},

We'd love to get your thoughts on our blog! As we plan our content for the upcoming months, we'd like to know what you'd like to see more of.

More expert style advice? How to create a clothing budget? Ways to better organize your closet?

The possibilities are virtually endless! Looking forward to hearing your ideas! 

Xoxo, Sexy Modest

Email 5. Educational email

Subject: Simple way to pick the PERFECT outfit for your body

Subject: NEW: Choose the PERFECT outfit for your body type!

Subject:'re the first to know

{First name},

What if you could pick out the PERFECT outfit for your body type, without fail? It's super simple and fool-proof, once you know how. ;)

It's our latest blog post and it's a game-changer! <link to How to Pick the Perfect Clothes for Your Body Type>

Xoxo, Sexy Modest

Email 6: Educational email 

​Subject: Look stunning in your temple dress!

Subject: 5 tips for choosing your next temple dress

Subject: Simple tips to look stunning in your temple dress

Hey {First name}!

I vividly recall getting ready to purchase my first temple dress. (Oh my gosh, I was so excited!) I closed my eyes and pictured myself entering the temple in a long flowing white gown, beaming with anticipation.

But then it struck me like a bolt out of the blue...I had NO IDEA how to pick out a temple dress!

I turned to the internet, searching endlessly for advice, but I wasn't making a ton of headway. Thankfully, my wonderful cousin Nicole provided some much-needed guidance. I'll be forever grateful to her! Here's what I learned…

Color: Your dress MUST be white. (You probably already suspected that.;)) The temple is extremely symbolic and white suggests righteousness, virtue, and purity of body, mind, and heart. Not sure if your dress is truly white? Try the paper test! Many fabrics look white until you put them next to a sheet of typing paper.

Long sleeves are required: With some modern styles of dresses having short sleeves, special sleeve extensions are available at temples worldwide. That being said, you may want to add your own extension from fabric that would pair well with your dress.

Length: Contrary to popular belief, temple skirts and dresses don't necessarily have to be floor length. (Yep, this surprises many people!) However, they MUST reach the ankle, so the length is appropriate.

Neckline: The neckline needs to be a high neck with no cleavage visible. With some dresses, however, it is possible to wear a piece of clothing (occasionally called a Dickie) that can hide the neckline and also add sleeve length if required.

Minimal ornamentation:

Dresses must be free of elaborate ornamentation and kept in accordance with the straightforward and holy nature of the temple ceremony.

Also, each temple has an array of beautiful wedding dresses that a bride may use for the temple portion of the day’s events.

And there you have it! 5 simple tips for choosing the perfect temple dress for you.:)


Xoxo, Sexy Modest

Opulen Capital Press Release

Background - I was commissioned by Opulen Capital to write this press release to generate enthusiasm for the life settlement industry. This press release was picked up by many news outlets including yahoo news.

For Immediate Release

Press Release                      

Contact: Clark Hogan

Tel: (877) 678-5361                                         


Life Settlement Industry Poised to Have Exceptional Year               

Manhattan Beach, March 31, 2011: The life settlement industry is positioned for one of its strongest years in recent memory. While the secondary market has suffered the last couple of years due to the struggling economy and lack of capital, optimism remains high. Chris Ledlie, CEO of Opulen Capital assuredly states, “The industry as a whole has seen a vibrant recovery and the worst is certainly behind us.  We’ve seen many buyers return to aggressive bidding which has had yielded extraordinarily positive results for our clients” 

Much of the renewed enthusiasm is due to a direct focus on life settlement transparency and disclosure due to increased regulatory actions, better industry practices, and meticulous under-writing.  The enforced regulatory measure has Clark Hogan, Managing Director of Opulen Capital, believing that the Life Settlement industry is once again a viable market option. “The SEC's latest regulations are very encouraging to those of us in the industry. The actions on behalf of the SEC will instill greater confidence in institutional investors who plan on purchasing life settlements. “

The SEC’s aggressive action follows a report by its life settlement task force, which advised that the commission push Congress to broaden the federal definition of “security” to apply to life settlements. The report also requested Congress to bolster oversight of life expectancy underwriters.

Reasons for optimism are bolstered by the fact that an average of 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 every day over the next 19 years, resulting in a dramatic increase in potential customers in need of this valuable service. 


With the shift in the population, life settlements will only grow in popularity and functionality. Baby Boomers have had to wait out retirement because of the financial crunch and are looking for better ways to finance their retirement lifestyle.


With the fundamentals of the industry as solid as ever and the finances stabilized, the Life Settlement industry is poised for tremendous growth heading forward. As the recession comes to an end, the industry’s future is as promising as ever.



Opulen Capital is a specialized financial service firm focusing on the needs of senior citizens. Opulen Capital products and services are tailored to the needs of its valued clientele. With over 30 years of combined experience, Opulen Capital provides an extraordinary level of experience and professionalism for its nationwide customer base.


If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Clark Hogan, please call Opulen Capital at (877) 678-5361, or email Clark at

Wiley X Flare Press Release

Background: Wiley X asked me to develop a press release introducing their new WILEY X® Flare™ Sunglasses. The press release garnered significant attention, sparking an elevated level of interest and awareness within the target audience.


Contact • Jonina Costello 

Phone 805.529.3700 Wiley X Flare


Wiley X® Eyewear has expanded its popular Active SeriesTM of performance sunglasses with the stylish new WILEY X® Flare™ Sunglasses for 2011. Those with a “flair” for fashion will appreciate this new model’s attractive styling.

The Wiley X Flare combines a frame ideally shaped for small- to medium-sized faces with wrap-around coverage to protect eyes from the sun’s harmful rays whether enjoying the great outdoors, driving on the highway, or relaxing on the beach. The new Wiley X Flare is designed to do it all and help you look good doing it.

The Flare features a Gloss Black frame matched with Grey Lenses to give wearers an understated, no-nonsense appearance. For those looking for a flashier look with 100% polarization, the Flare is also offered in a Polarized Emerald Mirror Lens inside a Matte Black Frame.

Function and style are combined in the wide temples that block glare while providing an ideal location for the company’s distinctive WX logo. Wiley X’s non-slip rubberized temple tips and nose pads ensure that the Flare stays comfortably in place, regardless of the outdoor activity and how hot the action gets.

And Wiley X knows a thing or two about action. As a leading provider of performance eyewear for several elite Special Forces units for more than 25 years, Wiley X is known for protecting people’s vision under the most challenging conditions. And this same level of protection is built into every Wiley X product.

Wiley X is the only premium performance sunglass manufacturer whose entire line meets ANSI Z87.1-2003 high velocity and high mass impact and optical performance standards. This is why Wiley X is also a leading choice of industrial safety programs, top NASCAR drivers, professional tournament fishermen, and other action sports athletes.

The Wiley X Flare’s nearly indestructible frames are outfitted with shatterproof SeleniteTM polycarbonate lenses offering 100% protection against harmful UVA /UVB rays.

These lenses not only protect the wearer’s eyes against everything Mother Nature can throw his way, but they also deliver sharp, crystal-clear vision and superior contrast for all activities. The Flare is also RX-ready, making it ideal for people who require prescription eyewear.

To learn more about the new Wiley X Flare — or the company’s full line of high-performance eyewear for work and play — visit Wiley X Eyewear at 7800 Patterson Pass Road, Livermore, CA 94550 · Telephone: (800) 776-7842 · Or visit online at  